7 Shoe Organizer Ideas for Sneakerheads

If you’re like most sneakerheads, you have stacks of boxes scattered around your home. The most dangerous stacks wobble and threaten to topple over at any moment. You’re proud of your collection, and you love your Jordan 3’s . . . but where are they in your piles of boxes? Are they under your Supreme Nikes? Or maybe you moved them under that stack of Adidas you got last year. We all know they’re collecting dust under those Sauconys you haven’t moved since you came home from the store.

If you’re a sneakerhead, a little bit of organization goes a long way. It lets you get rid of the clutter of boxes eating up space in your rooms and show off some of your biggest wins. Learn from our sneakerhead organizers about seven shoe organizer ideas to get your shoes out of the box and off the floor.

1. Cubby Shoe Organizer

Miniature cubbies are one of the best ways to organize, store, and showcase your sneakers. For budding sneakerheads who have a small collection that’s slowly growing, cubbies are also a smart choice because they make it easy to add more shoes, and you can use them to store other things at the same time.

The biggest downside to using cubbies is that they take up a lot of space. So if you’re living in a small apartment or don’t have space to spare, this might not be the best choice.

best choice

2. Wooden Cabinet Storage

Wooden cabinets act a lot like cubbies but are a bit more aesthetically pleasing. With storage cabinets made of solid wood, you know your sneakers are protected with durable and sturdy construction. You can put your shoes both in and on them, and they can be painted to match any interior style.

Much like cubbies, wooden cabinets require a lot of space. For small collections, they can work to show off your favorite pairs, but they can quickly take up a lot of space if you try to give every pair its own space.

Wooden Cabinet Storage

3. Pocket Shoe Organizer

These organizers hang off the back of your door with a pocket for each shoe. The best part of using pocket shoe organizers is how little space they take up. You can place them on the back of your bedroom, bathroom, or closet door, keeping your collection organized and visible.

If you’re a true sneakerhead, door organizers like this are not ideal for your most prized possessions. If you have a pair of mint condition Yeezys, you don’t want them packed away on the back of your door where they could get crushed, bent, or forgotten about. These organizers are best used for your scuffed up and well-worn every day sneakers.

Wooden Cabinet Storage

4. Shoe Storage Ottoman

If you’ve ever joked about how you could make a couch or chair out of all of the boxes you have sitting around, something like a shoe storage ottoman can make your joke a reality. It pairs your sneakers with functional and stylish furniture. You can keep growing your collection without having to take up more space.

The biggest advantage of furniture that doubles as shoe storage is the shoes are out of sight but within easy access, put away without cluttering up your living space.

Shoe Storage Ottoman

5. Closet Shoe Cubby

A rolling shoe cabinet is a great sneakerhead shoe rack to use in your closet. It keeps them protected and organized, without taking up too much space. The shoes are supported by metal bars which eliminate any risk of shoes getting damaged while in storage.

Closet Shoe Cubby

6. Shoe Drawer

Expandable shoe drawers give you the space to keep all of your sneakers in one safe place. Because they slide back into the cabinet, you know you’ll have no worries about tripping over your shoes or finding them scattered around your home.

Shoe Drawer

7. Walk-in Closet Shoe Shelves

If you have space, this solution is the dream way to show off and organize your sneakers. It requires a large walk-in closet with ample wall space so that each pair gets its own spot to shine.

While this is the dream option for all sneakerheads, the reality is it takes up a lot of space and can be expensive. Very few people have the room or cash needed to display their collection in this way.

Walk-in Closet Shoe Shelves

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Sneakerhead organization is all about getting your sneakers out of the box and putting them away someplace safe. Now that you have your sneakers organized, check out our collection of tees that will step up your streetwear game.